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What is the capital in a closed subscription joint stock company?

What is the capital in a closed subscription joint stock company?

  • By mmadmin
  • 28 Aug 2024
  • 0
Capital in a closed joint-stock company is divided into equal-value shares that are tradable. The capital is referred to as the authorized capital, with a minimum requirement of 250,000 Egyptian pounds and no maximum limit. During incorporation, 10% of the authorized capital must be paid, followed by an additional 15% within three months of incorporation. […]
What is the number of partners in a limited liability company?

What is the number of partners in a limited liability company?

  • By mmadmin
  • 28 Aug 2024
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The law requires that the number of shareholders in a limited liability company is a minimum of two and a maximum of fifty, regardless of whether the shareholders are natural or legal persons, or of their nationalities. For a more detailed and comprehensive understanding, please refer to Al-Waheed’s book on Companies Law theoretically and practically. […]
What is a joint stock company?

What is a joint stock company?

  • By mmadmin
  • 28 Aug 2024
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A common question that many clients often ask is about the types of joint stock companies in Egypt. In response to this query, it is important to note that a joint stock company is one of the strongest forms of companies in Egypt, as stipulated by law which designates its capital as public funds. There […]
What is the authorized capital in a joint stock company?

What is the authorized capital in a joint stock company?

  • By mmadmin
  • 3 Aug 2024
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The authorized capital in a joint-stock company is as follows:  The law stipulates that the authorized capital should not exceed ten times the issued capital in case it is specified. It is optional for the founders to include this provision in the company’s articles of association. If specified in the company’s articles of association or […]
What shareholders’ equity has not been paid in full?

What shareholders’ equity has not been paid in full?

  • By mmadmin
  • 2 Aug 2024
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Shareholders who have not paid their full value shall have all the rights established for shareholders such as attending ordinary and extraordinary public associations and voting. Les livres de l’entreprise et les questions tous sauf les dividendes sont distribués dans le montant des actions versé. Si l’actionnaire rembourse 50% de la valeur de l’action, seulement […]
When to increase the capital exports by decision of the Board of Directors?

When to increase the capital exports by decision of the Board of Directors?

  • By mmadmin
  • 2 Aug 2024
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The exported capital shall be increased by a decision of the Board of Directors in the event that the Company has paid its entire exported capital and the Company’s contract stipulates that it has Licensed and inaccessible capital. The capital exported under a Governing Council decision is increased.
When is the capital of the shareholder company increased by an extraordinary general assembly?

When is the capital of the shareholder company increased by an extraordinary general assembly?

  • By mmadmin
  • 2 Aug 2024
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The source’s capital is increased by the extraordinary General Assembly in two cases:- 1. Not to pay the entire capital of the source after establishment. 2. The issuer’s capital shall be equal to the licensed capital in the case of the provision of licensed capital. The licensed capital shall be raised ten times that of […]
Is the company committed to the actions of the Board of Directors?

Is the company committed to the actions of the Board of Directors?

  • By mmadmin
  • 2 Aug 2024
  • 0
The Company shall be bound by any actions or decisions of the members of the Board of Directors, even if such actions exceed their established competencies or powers under the Company’s contract and commercial record, as long as these actions are conducted in the name of the Company and further its purposes. However, if it […]
Can the shareholder be removed or denied access to the General Assembly meeting?

Can the shareholder be removed or denied access to the General Assembly meeting?

  • By mmadmin
  • 2 Aug 2024
  • 0
·        The right of a contributor to attend a meeting of the General Assembly and to vote on its resolutions is inherent. A contributor may not be isolated or deprived of attendance and voting. ·        The shareholder shall be entitled to attend the meeting of the General Assembly either […]
Can the shareholder be removed or denied access to the General Assembly meeting?

Can the shareholder be removed or denied access to the General Assembly meeting?

  • By mmadmin
  • 2 Aug 2024
  • 0
·        The right of a contributor to attend a meeting of the General Assembly and to vote on its resolutions is inherent. A contributor may not be isolated or deprived of attendance and voting. ·        The shareholder shall be entitled to attend the meeting of the General Assembly either […]
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