What are the jurisdictions of extraordinary General Assembly ?

What are the jurisdictions of extraordinary General Assembly ?

The extraordinary General Assembly is competent to the following : 1 – Modify the Company’s system provided that this does not entail an increase in shareholders’ obligations unless all shareholders agree to the amendment. Any decision of the extraordinary. 2 – General Assembly that would prejudice the fundamental rights of shareholders shall be invalid Increase

What are the jurisdictions of regular General Assembly?

The regular General Assembly shall have the following competence : 1 – Consideration and approval of the Comptroller’s report . 2 – Consideration and approval of the Governing Council’s report .  3 – Approval of the budget and calculation of profits and profits . 4 -Approve the distribution of profits to shareholders and employees. 5

What is the licensed capital of Joint Stock Company?

Joint Stock Company’s licensed capital is as follows: The law stipulates that the licensed capital shall not exceed ten times the exported capital and is optional for the founders to provide for it in the company’s incorporation contract or not. If it is stipulated in the company’s contract, it is to facilitate the company when

What is the capital exported in joint stock company?

Many customers always ask this question and answer it as follows: The law stipulated that the capital exported in the joint stock company was not less than Pound250,000 and the law did not set a cap on it. Source capital may consist only of a cash share and may consist of a cash share and

Capital in Join Stock Company Closed Subscription?

The capital of JSC is divided into shares of equal value and these shares are tradable. Its capital is called exported capital. Its minimum capital is Pound250 thousand. There is no cap on capital. 10% of the value of the capital exported at the time of incorporation shall be repaid and 15% shall be paid